About ME!


I'm Christine. I'm a busy mum to 5 year old twins, Robin and Evie and wife to Ian. I also run a property management company. We live in a small village in beautiful, rural Northumberland. I love spending time at home with my family, running and exercising and socialising with my fabulous friends.

When I'm not busy with work, family or friends, my favourite pastimes are cooking and eating (often a combination of family/friends and food). I particularly get so much (too much?!) pleasure from making healthy, nutritious meals from nothing (well, whatever I've got in the house!), making leftovers exciting and not wasting a thing. I HATE waste. I've wanted to start a blog for a few years but time just hasn't allowed it. But I'm very excited about getting it going now and sharing my passion for food with the world!!

I'm very health conscious and want to feed my family good food, on a budget. As you can imagine, time is not something that I have a lot of so my cooking has to fit in with my busy life. Weekday cooking has to be fuss-free and speedy but I still want it to feel indulgent.

I am also a keen vegetable gardener. There is little better than creating a whole meal from produce that you raised with your own fair hands. And in the British weather, it's not always easy. It makes you appreciate it even more though! I would urge anyone to have a go at growing their own. Even if it's just a few of your favourites in pots or some herbs on the windowsill. Do it!

I'm going to try and share some of the recipes that I create and any tips that I have along with general ramblings about food and the good life!

Don't expect fine dining, just homemade, tasty, healthy and wholesome food. Always on a budget! Maybe with the odd flashy, entertaining number thrown in for good measure. The budget won't go out the window though.

I'm very new to this so please bear with me until I find my feet!!

I hope you enjoy it. All feedback very much appreciated!!

Thanks y'all!

Monday, 17 March 2014

£50 food challenge!

I'm not sure if I've mentioned but I've set myself a challenge this month of spending a max budget of £50 for household groceries.  This is proving quite tricky but I am determined! 

I regularly set myself these types of budgets but I think this is the smallest so far. 

I do have a pretty well stocked store cupboard and freezer but I certainly didn't stock up before I started the challenge. Whenever I see a great offer on meat, or I'm a bit flush, I stock up. We also have hens so eggs will, as they always do in our household, play a large part in keeping the budget down. 

I'm going to post a list of recipes that I've cooked up over the last few weeks and some that I intend to make. I know that I'm very lucky that I've got some nice bits of meat in the freezer but I'll show you how I stretch them out by making good use of leftovers. 

I bet that most of you will have a whole host of fab ingredients hidden away at the back of your cupboards and the bottom of your freezer so why don't you join me and challenge yourself to use these up and get adventurous with your menu!  

I've pretty much spent the £50 already and I've got just under 2 weeks left to go but I've not ventured too far into the freezer yet so I am feeling, probably stupidly, fairly confident. 

Wish me luck!! 

Ps. If you are going to join me, I would advise you get £50 cash so that you can keep a track of what you've spent more easily. 

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